Thursday 17 January 2008

Q Tea Gallery

To make it easier for you fabulous creative people to share your work using Q Tea kits, I have updated the way the gallery works. Rather than just a flickr account, Q Tea now has a Gallery Group. This means anyone can join the group, and simply send images from their own flickr account to the Q Tea Kits Gallery group, without having to email me at all.

If you don't have a flickr account and would still like to share your creations, you can still email me to have it added to Q Tea's account, or join flickr - it's free for a basic membership! I have already added all of the Q Tea gallery to the new group account - you can check it out, and join the group, here:

I'll update the sidebar shortly to reflect the group link. Would love you all to join!

Any questions, simply email me at

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